We are two friends that have been in the Honda scene for a some time now, Ryan for 15 years now, and Sam, who got into the Honda scene by Ryan for 3 years now. Ryan has done different types of builds in his past, from the slammed street civic to an eg civic inspired by many time attack and other track cars. Sam hasn't had as many cars, but delved into the world of Hondas more when he got his ep3 SI. Both of us have gone through a gambit of the cheap stuff, mass-produced with near to no quality control to the high quality stuff that required us to save up for a long time and cut down on other things in life to be able to afford. Throughout all these products, we always thought of different ways to be able to make it better and improve on areas or thought of some stuff for our cars that either no one makes or is possibly made, but not readily available, or the products were expensive to a point that it would not allow someone with limited money to afford the stuff to make his or her car better or complete the vision they have for their build. That's when we started thinking we could come in.

We wanted to make products that someone could easily afford and still have good quality control so the end user isn't wasting time or money on something that is sub-expectations. The name Trackworkz comes from our love for the performance aspect of cars. We like our cars to not look like straight crap, but the end goal is to go fast and improve on every aspect of our cars. We want to create products to improve our cars and help others improve on their cars as well, coming up with ideas and concepts for products that we can make and make for an accessible price so almost anyone can afford it and so not everyone is relying on having to make it themselves or rely on paying someone a large amount of money to make it for them if they don't have means to make their own stuff. Our goal is to make simplistic, good-looking, and functional products that won't break the bank.

The company currently consists of just the 2 of us and we still have our full time jobs to have the income to create more products, so the brand is small and products are low in quantity, but we are working every week on new products and will produce more and more products as we are able to get the equipment to allow us to improve on our design and improve quality and consistency more. A lot of our products are currently hand made and with that comes some imperfections here and there, we will always make sure the product is functional and never so blemished that it's a sight for sore eyes. We're planning on getting better equipment in the near future, so some changes to design might be made and quality consistency should increase shortly as well. Our goal is to not disapoint our customers, since we know how that feels when we've gotten bad products.

What is Trackworkz Performance?